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> Education  >  Farabi Exchange Programme        

What is Farabi Exchange Programme?

Farabi is an exchange program of students (at associate, bachelor, masters or doctorate levels) as well as teaching staff members among the Turkish higher education institutions, including universities and institutes of technology.

Farabi Exchange Program's aim is that university students and teaching staff members participate in education and training at a higher education institution other than their own during a period of one or two semesters.

The Program envisages to grant scholarship to students and to pay additional course fee to teaching staff members as a financial support.

The principles regarding the execution of the Farabi Exchange program have been outlined fully in the related By-Law and Rules and Procedures of the program.

Farabi (870-950)

Farabi was born in Turkestan's city of Farab in 871. He travelled about the important centers of science and learning of his time period such as Bukhara, Baghdad, Damascus, Cairo, Harran and Aleppo. He produced works in the fields of philosophy, mathematics, logic, political science and music. In the Islamic world, he attained to a high level of fame and prestige in the field of philosophy, one that is comparable to that of Aristo's, and is named as the "second teacher" in the aftermath of Aristo, the "first teacher". Farabi is known in the West as "Alpharabius". He passed away in 950 in Damascus.

Farabi Exchange Program Coordinator:

Assoc. Prof. Mustafa AKYILDIZ


Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik ve Mimarlık Fakültesi, Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü 01330 Adana

Tel:  (+ 90 322) 338 67 15

Fax:  (+ 90 322) 338 67 15

Cukurova University Department of Geological Engineering
 Number of Visitors: 1138